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rameez badhurshah
Apr 8, 20224 min read
Vibrations - Understanding the basics
What are these vibrations?
How do vibrations take place? Do we always need vibrations? Are vibrations a boon or a menace?
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rameez badhurshah
Mar 18, 20224 min read
Rocket nozzles - Mech and Mach
In this blog, we discuss the idea of building up the nozzle for rockets. Wait, what are nozzles? Are there different types of nozzles? Wait,
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Abhi Shejul
Dec 17, 20215 min read
Gears and transmission! - Part 1
From a tiny watch to the largest ship, gears are moving things ahead! Invention of the wheel has revolutionized the workings of the...
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Sooraj S Nair
Nov 5, 20214 min read
Factor of Safety - What is it and Why is it Important
Whenever we come across designing and engineering any component that potentially carries a load; be it a bridge, foundation, or even a desk
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Abhi Shejul
Oct 15, 20215 min read
Getting to know the tools!
As a mechanical engineer we have interactions with many processes, from the simplest ones to the most complex. Some involve a large and...
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rameez badhurshah
Jul 9, 20214 min read
Thermodynamics - Key Ingredients
We will be talking about Ideal gas law, Scope of Thermodynamics, Closed system Analysis, Types of Processes, and much more...
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Anand Zambare
Jun 25, 20215 min read
The Fundamentals of Shear Stress and Flow Dynamics
Shear stress plays an important role in flow dynamics so for better understanding of dynamics we should understand shear stress better way.
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Abhi Shejul
Jun 11, 20215 min read
Design of a cotter joint
To design a component, we need to take a number of factors into consideration. The design not just involves the dimensioning of the componen
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Anand Zambare
Jun 4, 20216 min read
Taylor's Series : My favourite series of all time
Taylor's series plays an important role in Computational Fluid Dynamics. In this blog you will be able to understand it like never be before
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Sooraj S Nair
May 28, 20215 min read
Elastic Constants of Materials
Elastic constants are those constants which determine the deformation produced by a given stress system acting on the material.
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Abhi Shejul
May 14, 20215 min read
Mechanical Joints | Cotter joint
A cotter joint assembly is made by a spigot fitted over one end of the rod which goes into a socket, filled on the end on another rod.
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Feb 19, 20214 min read
Building a structure | Joints
Devices are connected by bluetooth and WiF.
Bones are connected by muscles and joints.
How are mechanical components connected? - by Joints.
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Feb 5, 20213 min read
Building a structure | Truss
A structure is formed with a combination of different components. A truss is a basic component of a structure with connected bars and rods.
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