Mech n Flow

Jul 29, 20213 min

Confused & Stuck? What to do next as Mechanical Engineer? Job or Masters?

Let us look into all the factors!

Everyone has been in this stage in their life. The thing is our journey from Grade 1 to Bachelors degree is so predictable, that we get stressed out when we cannot see what lies ahead of us now. The very first thing that one should do is stay calm and take your own time. It is very important to understand that there is no right or wrong decision. Never being afraid of risks, but just being aware of risks will help you in the long run.

There are many factors that will decide what you want to do later in life. We hope that we help you make your decision. Let us get into those factors.

Financial Conditions

This is the first factor that should cross one's mind when being in this situation.

  1. Is your family financially stable?

  2. Does it affect them if you do not earn for more two or three years?

  3. Can they support you financially for your further Education?

  4. Is your family in a condition to get loan for your education? Can you get any scholarship/Sponsor?

  5. Can your family get a loan for your business plan? Can you get a sponsor?

  6. Can your family afford if you do not get a good paying job or your business goes in dept. the worst cases?

We really hope you are in a good position considering the situation. But if not, don't lose your heart you can always wait for some time and be financially stable(get a job). Age doesn't matter to get a degree. Plan accordingly!

Job perspective

It is always a good idea to do job after your Bachelors degree as

  1. It will give you a sense of how business/world works.

  2. It will open up your horizons as you will truly understand what you might be capable of in the real world.

  3. Help you develop you soft skills.

  4. Help you get a job after/during your Masters degree.


In the initial years of working one should not really worry about the pay (but avoid unpaid works). Being curious is very important. Understanding the working culture of any organization, learning how to deal with every sort of personality/person should be the main focus.

You can find here the job interview questions (as a fresher) for a Mechanical Engineer here.

Masters perspective

One needs to understand the concept of "Demand & supply".

If you are in demand & don't want to do Masters:

If there is a demand for your skills & the field that you have chosen in Mechanical Engineering then it might not be necessary for you to have that Masters degree forcefully due to the pear pressure.

If you are not in demand & don't want to do Masters:

If there is no demand for your field you might consider to get that Masters degree in your field to enter in the competitive market OR pursue Masters in a sector of high demand. Additionally, in the near future to get that promotion in your organization you might need a Masters degree (you can get a name sake Masters degree from online platforms for that!).

If you do not know what is your field in Mechanical engineering, read this article.

If you want to do Masters willingly, no one can stop you! Just go for it! What are you waiting for?

Note: There is no rule for success. The above points are just a general observation!

It is always better to get connected with the seniors in university/ freshers in the company/ new startup founders. They will give you a very good insight on what you need to do before jumping into that world. Make connections & stay connected with them until you decide on something.

Finally! do as your heart says.

A lot of people will tell you a lot of things. No one will know what is better for you other than you. There is no need to stress out. You will choose a path and be successful no matter what. All the best!

Still confused? Book a meet with us now.

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